by Midokura

Javier Gil, Chief Executive at Barcelona

How is Leadership and team management in midokura? Group politics in the IoT era

Javier Gil, ​​VP & Country Manager, explains our way of creating the team that leads the Ege Computing


Javier Gil has studied telecommunication engineering and Business administration. This together with his experience of more than 15 years in the industry of IoT, have built up a brilliant career focused on the development of tridimensional teams aligned to values.

His professional vocation is to lead a process of transformation, identify business models or new market opportunities and change existing paradigms to create a new one. He’s also very keen on organization which is an essential quality for our project.

Through his experience he has realised that the common trend when transforming an existing paradigm is the chaos that provokes this process of transformation. Can you relate? Programming, the creation of structures, launches… Looks like small disasters are the prelude to every great project.

Because of this, in midokura we have integrated disaster as one more phase of any creation process, thanks to that we can handle all the changes, and being able to adapt to every new scenario is key in the process to be successful.

An Javier Gil really knows that. His leadership and realistic management, with his team vision, granted him three big successes that inspire all the midokura team:

  1. The successful negotiation of the first laying of submarine cables between the peninsular territory and the Canary Islands that wasn’t property of Telefonica group.
  2. Leading in international services of IP transit cost in the south of Europe for ONO.
  3. To complete with excellent results the transformation of an streaming company, becoming it a technological referent in a national level.

Adding vision to midokura’s goals from the beginning

When a headhunter contacted Javier for the VP & Country Manager position he realised that in midokura he could perform all the strategy that had been planning in his previous experience. And most important, it was possible to take it into practice in collaboration with Sony.

Our scenarios are changing constantly. In the Internet of Things era big things ara happening every day. For him it is essential to constantly train himself to actually understand the business paradigm of the enterprise he is leading. Maybe not as deeply as the engineer staff, but being aware of the new changes is really important to take decisions and in the organization of the our midoteam. However, he wants to know some basic notions about every area, such as sales, operations or engineering department. This is the best way to perform his function in midokura: the creation of a rich environment that gives to our team all the resources needed.

One of the principal goals at first was to make the team grow together. He wanted to develop their product as fast as possible so they can integrate it in other already existing projects. The best way to achieve this goal was by creating a powerful and talented team. This is the moment when it starts the talent hunting. We knew that we needed just the best people in our team and that is what we started to look for. Fortunately, this is the actual midoteam, growing every day.

midokura’s team

One of the things that really excites the midoteam is the possibility to work nowadays in the IOT area.This IOT area now is in an embryonic stage within the industry. The main problem when hiring talents is that this is such a new stage that they may not have experience in this area of the market. It is not so easy to find people that know the concept of Edge computing and AI applied to Edge computing in the business. The solution for this scenario is to find people whose technological and soft skills are going to make it easier to adapt themselves to the change and be able to go beyond their needs.

Such an impressive staff needs an office that can fulfill their needs. We have created just the ideal space to evoke a relaxed environment in which every one can find his own space and the time to fully develop their talent. The whole midohouse is designed to improve the workflow. It is a space where it is easy to be in continuous communication and interaction with the rest of the team, and this is easier and faster than any other type of communication. We are aware that we really want to be the best. And because of that we connect our talents and we work together, in order to achieve the same goal thanks to our polyhedral team.

Constructing the brilliant future of midokura

In this industry that is still in its initial stage, midokura aims to become a referent in the development area and solutions in Edge computing. We are proud of being part of the SONY group, as this union has allowed us to expand in such a changing and difficult context as it is the development of a new project or a technological product. The big impact of these products is going to give to our world some information about how the product is working in the market, and optimize it in a faster way so it can match the needs and expectations of the potential customer.

The workflows are oriented to give the small products the power and importance they should have. There is not a predesigned and fixed strategy or plan. The team is the creator of the strategy depending on each product, its development and final execution.

The experience of Javier Gil makes him a determined leader who has a long-term strategy or aim and follows constantly until it is done, without any rush that can affect the value of the project. The key is the combination of both short and long terms.

Having a look at his personal career in technology and telecommunications, now he can really consider that midokura is the biggest project that he has ever done because it is part of him, he is totally involved with the growth of midokura.


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