by Midokura

Edge Computing News in 2021


2021 will be the year in which emerging technology moves from theory and experimentation to applicable technology, driven by the development of AI and 5G.

Until now, Edge Computing was considered a promising technology, but still in development. In 2021, the emergence of new commercial models is expected, which will facilitate the deployment of Edge Computing in production.

The inflection point of Edge Computing in 2021

This year is shaping up to be the true inflection point for Edge Computing. Practical applications will emerge in which this architecture will bring real benefits.

The crisis we are experiencing has driven the development of new technological applications, accelerating trends which were just being developed within a theoretical framework to be implemented in reality, Edge Computing being the best example. Cloud platforms compete with artificial intelligence and the growth of 5G information, discovering new development routes which will cause the state-of-the-art use of this technology to be more practical.

In what way do Edge Computing and 5G transform the commercial world?

Edge Computing is changing as the cloud grows and technology around data centers advances. This constant innovation translates into a benefit: the use of this software developed on the cloud and migrated to integrated IT applications is synonymous with speed, cross calculation and, ultimately, operational efficiency.

Forrester forecast for edge programming in the new year

Forrester, a company which researches the impact of technology on markets, bases its annual forecast on the boom of emerging technology in applicability, not only in theories and experimentations. Data center markets will be the state-of-the-art storage option and, therefore, Edge IT must be as close as possible to the action, whether in industry, health or energy facilities. In certain cases, they can be found in an external data center, however, it must be as close as possible to the action. Ultimately, this excludes many large data centers administered by providers on the cloud or placement services, near to large population centers.

However, if the business is geographically spread out, the centers will be distant. In this case, the promising and optimal option emerges which will gather smaller and local data centers in a cooperative market model. They do not necessarily replace the traditional public cloud, content delivery networks or placement services, but they improve these services considerably.

New Edge Computing providers will reduce the growth of the public cloud by five percentage points according to forecasts. Cloud services continue to grow and the pandemic has driven income from the cloud to be more than predicted. This growing trend will continue in 2021, in other words, insofar as Edge Computing becomes a new IT business friendly platform, diverting part of the money which would have been spent on the cloud expansion.

The development of private 5G networks fosters autonomy

By promoting 5G networks, companies are driven to Edge Computing. Commercial infrastructures such as storage and manufacturing robots, whose operation is possible thanks to the IoT, require local processing networks. As artificial intelligence becomes more present in the day to day and networks transform to offer 5G, huge commercial value will be generated and at the same time daily life will improve considerably.


Access to applications and critical services in the most immediate way possible is the duty of companies today, enabling data exchange at any new small and local providers which offer the same possibilities and service, especially on data protection, as those offered by the cloud. Likewise, teleworking, a fundamental aspect in our new normal, increases the vulnerability of devices connected to the network, which can sustain numerous phishing, ransomware and DDoS attacks which can have an impact.

Industry 4.0 and Edge Computing

This year is especially important for companies to start an unprecedented digital transformation, with solutions enabling them to optimise in flexibility and efficiency in any operations they carry out. We work to facilitate technology which will guarantee a great acceleration in the adoption of industry 4.0 solutions by developing and implementing artificial intelligence, machine learning, artificial vision and advanced analysis.

2021 will be a key year; investments in infrastructures will achieve a considerable economic recovery. All kinds of technology providers, whether hardware, software or on the cloud, should somehow get on the Edge Computing train.

Decisive year for Smart Cities

As cities start recovering from the global pandemic, technology will become an important factor which guarantees progress. The adoption of new commercial models leads to economic growth. An increase will be seen in technology investments, the Edge network standing out for AI implementation, without neglecting DNS services, which include greater speed and quicker response time, enabling new uses between IoT devices in smart cities and utilities.

In the short term, there will be an increase in medium-sized cities which will adopt Smart City technologies, democratising technology outside current technological centers. Afterwards, it will be rural areas which add smart infrastructures and transport, given that consumers will see the benefits they provide to quality of life


Complete transformation in education

The previous year produced a paradigm change in global education. The teaching method is obsolete with regard to technology. The year 2021 in the development of Edge Computing will be fundamental in order to advance in an academic service model which guarantees access of all students to an affordable high-quality education. For this, transferring funds and accelerating appropriate solutions will be fundamental.

Efficiency in health

The main objective of Edge Computing in health is to improve its results. The exchange of data and the standardisation of medical records paralyze the health industry. Industrial medical cooperation to resolve diseases and problems is especially critical when it comes to public health and health monitoring, as has been more than demonstrated this year.

2021 will bring improvements in information exchange models insofar as AI and Machine Learning are present in medical care. New technology will enable a technological development in telematic patient care, enabling the work of health professionals by making it possible to provide their patients with high-quality care and stay up-to-date on new treatment options as new research on health problems becomes known.

This year will be when technology experiences its great improvements in efficiency and ability to manage its enormous complexity. Network, security and technology automation in this pandemic changes the epicenter of the digital transformation in all areas, being aimed at the consolidation of remote working and telematic education, while Edge Computing will continue with its strong expansion.


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