
New AI business opportunities

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will play a fundamental role for technological success of companies in all sectors and production processes.

Using AI within a company is no longer science fiction. The working dynamics have already changed, and will change even more. It is already hard to imagine that companies can get by without technology, and it is obvious that these techniques cannot remain unchanged over time.

Artificial Intelligence affects all sectors

Artificial Intelligence is changing the way marketing departments within companies use consumer information to provide contextual and personalised relevance to their offerings.

Through massive exploitation of raw data, Artificial Intelligence can help marketers understand customer requirements on a more detailed level and integrate this into their marketing plans.

Chatbots are a popular trend in Artificial Intelligence, which facilitate the relationship with customers and increase interaction with the market. Furthermore, the creation of Artificial Intelligence requires advanced skills in the processing of natural language, psycholinguistics or communication.

In the financial sector, customisation of user experiences with banks is a major challenge, and many companies have found AI to be a tool that adds value, reduces costs, and saves time.

On regulatory matters, AI will be used in customer identification and recognition procedures carried out by the KYC (Know Your Customer) function, or in fraud detection.


AI, business and thought control

Through Deep Learning, the branch of AI that simulates the work of the human brain in the processing of data and creation of patterns when making decisions, AI analyses massive data sets captured and predicts user habits and desires, offering ads that adapt to customer’s requirements. This increases purchase probability, and awareness of products that users may consider necessary. Another application of Deep Learning is the recognition of potential investment risks that a particular client could pose for a company. This influences the collaborative economy, by linking those with capital to those seeking financing.

What facilitates the use of AI?

The use of AI is not a question of technology, but of mentality. Organisations need to realise the enormous potential that these types of technologies have to improve their logistics performance and offer better services to their clients.


Corporate problem solving

Higher doses of automation are achieved in terms of customer service, business security improvement, optimisation of redundant processes, pattern recognition or creation of intelligent products. The use of Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to compete against other companies that have not adopted AI innovation.

Do you dare to change the game rules?
